Case (12 Meals) of Menu C Military MRE's with Heaters


Category: 12 Meals

2 Different, Complete Meals in Each Case!

* Please See Below for More Detailed Menu Info and Legal Disclaimer

(Please note that the "inspection date" is not to be confused with expiration date)

IMPORTANT NOTE: These are 100% Legal MRE's - not stolen or old 'off the base' MRE's. Please note that we do have a few contractors that get MREs from different military manufacturers so meal bags may vary as seen above.
Why are these legal? Aren't all military MRE's considered illegal?

Notice on the pictures of this case itself that the usual MRE disclaimer of ''U.S. Government Property, Commercial Resale is Unlawful'' is missing. This means that the commercial/consumer market can purchase and resell these MRE's legally.

Why is that? Because they were contract manufactured from someone other than the US Government. Because they were never sold to the Government in the first place, they are not, nor have they ever been U.S. Government Property.

These meals were custom ordered by a US Military Contractor (who shall remain nameless) working for the Government providing convoy security abroad, but due to increased restrictions in their operating rules of engagement and foreign oversight, they are scaling back their Middle Eastern operations.

Because we took the entire production run at that time (3 rail-cars worth) of these MRE's, and all previous manufacturing runs were delivered to the Middle East, we can say with confidence that these will be the ONLY AUTHENTIC 100% LEGAL MRE'S THAT YOU WILL EVER SEE ON THE MARKET, PERIOD! We have managed to continue the supply contract on these, so you are assured of a continued supply of 100% legal MRE's for the foreseeable future.

ALSO NOTE; These MRE's are considered Menu ''C'' - there is no Menu A and Menu B in the C (C for Contract) Meals. These MRE Menus were cherry-picked by the Contractor to include the specific Menu Items that they wanted from Menu's A and B, as well as a lot of extra items and calories.

Each case contains 12 complete meals with 12 different menus for variety (full menu list/contents/pictures below)

*Please note that while the inspection date is guaranteed to be accurate, entrees + sides may change depending on inventory.


Full Meals, Shelf Stable (needs no refrigeration)

MRE's are ideal to have on hand for emergencies, camping, hiking, etc.

Used by our Military for many years, proven in combat many times over!!!

MRE's make the perfect food to store and use for many years!

They are complete, with everything you need. Ready-to-Eat right out of the pouch with Flame-less Ration Heaters, you can have a hot, nutritious, high calorie, great tasting meal in seconds!!

Manufactured in the USA by a U.S. military supplier. Each sealed case (no repacks and therefore no menu deviations, sorry) carries a USDA inspection stamp, has the factory seal on it and is double strapped per military spec.

With a minimum shelf life of 3 years, and up to 130 months (10 + years, according to the manufactures specifications) if stored at 60 degrees F or lower, these meals are ideal for camping, disaster preparedness or as a safety/survival measure for the entire family!!